Michelle R. Johnson

Welcome to the safest space on the interwebs

This is a judgment free zone.

I am acutely aware and take full responsibility of the fact that my family’s generational curses will stop with me.

For this, I am thankful.

It is in this understanding that evolution, wellness, and freedom are imperative to healing.

I am humbled to use this platform as a place to share my light, interact, and grow with you.

Blessings to you for stopping in.

May my thoughts provide perspective, uplift your spirits, and encourage an intentional desire to reacquaint with self.

30 Days of Thankfulness, my first published work is available for purchase!


About Me

Author, realist, travel enthusiast, poet, blogger, sneaker head, influencer, sports fanatic, rebel, model, dreamer, foodie, multi-business owner, motivational speaker, music junkie, believer.

I have a husband I adore, a son and a daughter that at one point or another saved my life, and an abundance of children who call me some variation of Mom.

I love Jesus, curse words, and snacks. In that order.

LaShan’s Gift

LaShan’s Gift

I embrace the best parts of her unconditional love for me. I carry her kindness, compassion, and wisdom in my spirit, as do her grandchildren. The seeds she planted in me will carry for generations to come. 

The Audacity to BE

The Audacity to BE

Being able to simply exist has been liberating. Being has allowed myself the space and grace to find my way back to the pen. I am living proof that you can have a plan, not like it, scrap it, and start a new one in the totally opposite direction tomorrow.

Deep in the Heart of….

Deep in the Heart of….

I’d moved with little money, one friend in the city, no real knowledge of my new surroundings….and hope. I knew I wanted more, and I knew I could do it. I also knew I wasn’t afraid or wouldn’t be ashamed to return home if it didn’t work out. I’d never been more afraid in my life.

Built By Bama

Built By Bama

Uncle Woody is proof to me that I was severely short changed in the father department. He was The Opening Act, the bonus to my visits. The ultimate girl dad, Unc is kindhearted, and always has a light up the room smile for you. He is sturdy and firm, but gentle. I guess with four girls(five if you include the boss), not only is a long fuse required, but you have to have a dash of softness to you.

An Onion’s Epiphany

An Onion’s Epiphany

While in the hospital, I got up to use the restroom and couldn’t wipe myself. He asked me softly if I needed help, and I got super quiet before whispering yes. It was the most humbling moment of my life.

Dearest Chelle, I Love You.

Dearest Chelle, I Love You.

I have learned to forgive myself. To be kind to my star player. I have learned to appreciate self care more. Say less. Meditate more. Solitude…..more. I embrace falling forward, floating towards the new.



I grew up in the projects in Alabama. There would be police “check-points” at the entrance and exits. Everyone of age in the vehicle would need to produce identification. This type of policing doesn’t happen in the suburbs. Flash forward to being in Mississippi a few years ago and being met with that same check-point coming off of an exit. As I type, my eyes are filling with water with how ANGRY and afraid I was.

The Little Red Wagon

The Little Red Wagon

During the week I’d be in the office, and every Saturday, I’d be in the Weenie Wagon. The Weenie Wagon would go to certain car dealerships, and my job was to give anyone who visited as many free hot dogs and chips that they wanted.

Chelle’s Book Challenge

Join me in reading a book a month. It’s the best way to fall and stay in love with reading!