I think I can speak for us all with great confidence when I say – this has been an extremely interesting year. Not for all, but I’m sure a complete dumpster fire for most. I’ve been trying for the last three weeks to come up with what I wanted to say for this post, always starting out positive, and then it’d make a quick left. My heart goes out to all that have lost someone this year. It aches for those who lost their jobs…homes, and anything else they may have considered to have value. From Covid, to being a witness to an uprising for racial justice, to so many celebrity deaths….I’m still heartbroken over Kobe and Gigi. And Chadwick. Wakanda Forever.

For me personally, this year was not too big of a change from the norm. I’ve worked from home for the past 10 years, so there wasn’t much of an adjustment I needed to make. I think the biggest challenge I had was being a support for those close to me that were used to being in an office, and not being able to travel the way I’m accustomed. I also think what I had to be constantly mindful of and appreciated most is we are all uniquely different. Just as we were intended. Not that I didn’t know this before, it’s a major task to TRULY respect others positions and beliefs. Especially when they don’t always align with your own.

I’m not a big holiday season person, but I AM a New Year person, indeed. I love the notion we are not the same person we were just one second ago, so the idea of page 1 of 365 excites me. God willing, we will wake up the next day and strive to be better than we were the day before. I very much enjoyed the opportunity of continuing to look inward, working on self. Just when I thought I had knowing myself locked down, 2020 forced me to kick it up a notch. There was such beauty in tuning out the noise and being still as I learned.

I’m thankful to all of you who read my thoughts this year. I hope you continue to find your back. I’m thankful for my inner circle, as we laughed to keep from crying. I’m thankful for the little things…like karaoke mics. It was a total game changer for me. I’m thankful for those few small moments I was able to steal away safely with loved ones. I’m so thankful for my family. They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re mine.

I wish you prosperity, joy, peace, and fearlessness towards your goals. I encourage you to keep pressing. Many drops eventually build a wave.

May your home be a safe haven. May your path be well lit. May you talk heavy because you walk heavy. May your current work not be your best work. That’s yet to come.

May the peaks and valleys that was 2020 propel you into overflowing abundance in 2021.

Love and light.
