I have a horrible tendency of allowing my anxiety to get the best of me. When it does, the fear of failing at whatever it is overrides any confidence built up to that point, and I notoriously “I’ll put a pin in this” and come back to it later.

That “pin” can be days, months, or in the case of publishing a book, decades.

Way back in my spoken word days, I wrote a scribe called BE.

Resilient than defeated, more soft than deafening
In disposition, that is
My words shatter glass
Crumble buildings
Modify brainwaves
And parade how accelerated thoughts are abstract
Be strong..stop letting people rewrite your script
Be the blueprint
Imaginings are too brilliant
And in tint
No way in compliance to any box
Doesn’t matter if the world thinks I need diluted
Young, gifted, translucent.


It was me. I was the drama. I’d put myself in a box. I’d allowed what others would think of me to write my script.

Meanwhile, it’s been well over a year since I posted a blog. My heart has had the desire to, but as my good friend Natasha says: Aye man, sometimes life be life’n. I’ve been super busy, but I’ve also just been BEING.

Being able to simply exist has been liberating. Being has allowed self the space and grace to find my way back to the pen. I am living proof that you can have a plan, not like it, scrap it, and start a new one in the totally opposite direction tomorrow.

I’ve really taken the “pin” out of one of my biggest dreams. And while my anxiety is so high it’s another galaxy away, Minister Nasir Jones told me that if I worked hard at it, I could be anything I wanted to be. At this moment, I want to be: Published Author.

So my book 30 Days of Thankfulness is not for money or how many books may sell, it’s for the ideal of having the audacity to be.

Sending you love and light, and encouraging you to authentically, BE.